Internet Options Tools Windows 7

Where do I find Internet Options in Windows 10? Internet Options is a Control Panel applet which lets you manage browser security level, control your privacy, block or allow specific websites and so on. In this tutorial we’ll show you 4 quick ways to open Internet Options in Windows 10 / 8 / 7.

Internet Explorer Tools Internet Options Content Content Advisor. Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums-revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended. You are reporting the following post: Internet Explorer Tools Internet Options Content. Disable Internet Options in IE via Group Policy. Step 1: Click Start and type GPEDIT.MSC in the search bar and hit enter to launch the Group Policy editor window. Step 2: In the Local Group Policy editor window expand User Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Internet Explorer then click on Internet Control Panel. Jun 03, 2019  Change Internet Explorer settings. There are many changes you can make to customize your browsing experience in Internet Explorer. To view all settings and options, open Internet Explorer on the desktop, select Tools   Internet options. Reset Internet Explorer settings.

Method 1: Open Internet Options from Internet Explorer

Open up the Internet Explorer. Click the Settings icon in the upper-right corner, or click the Tools menu.

Select Internet options from the drop down menu, you can then access Internet Options immediately.

Method 2: Open Internet Options via Run Command Box

Press the Windows key + R to open the Run command box. Type inetcpl.cpl and press Enter.

You can now get to Internet Options.

Method 3: Open Internet Options from Control Panel

Open the Control Panel, and change it to the Large icons view.

Click Internet Options.

Method 4: Open Internet Options via Search

In Windows 10, type “internet options” in the Cortana Search box and you can then access Internet Options from the search result.

If you’re running Windows 7, click the Start button and type “internet options” in the Search box. Click its shortcut and it will open Internet Options quickly.

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Windows 10 Internet Options Toolbar

When you first launch Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), which is the default browser in Windows Vista and an upgrade option in Windows XP, the familiar menu bar that includes options such as File, Edit, Bookmarks, and Help isn't available. In older versions of the browser, the menu bar was displayed by default. If you want to regain this feature, set IE7 to display the menu bar using the following steps.

How to Display the Tool Menu

Open the tools menu

Open the Internet Explorer browser and follow these steps to set the menu bar to display when you use IE7:

Internet Options Tools Menu Windows 7

  1. In the upper-right corner of the browser window, select Tools.

  2. Choose Menu Bar. The menu bar displays in the toolbar section of the browser window.

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  3. To hide the menu bar, repeat these steps.

Alternatively, right-click a blank area of a web page to bring up the contextual menu. From this menu, select Menu Bar to display the menu bar.

Tools Internet Options Windows 7


If you run Internet Explorer in full-screen mode, the menu bar is not visible even if it's enabled. The address bar is also not visible in full-screen mode unless you move your cursor the top of the screen. To toggle from full-screen to normal mode, press ​F11.