Torment Pc Game

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  4. Torment: Tides Of Numenera
  5. Planescape Torment

The Torture Game 2. Share Author Comments. A follow up to the first one allowing a bit more freedom. Read the instructions inside. It would probably be best to have the latest flash player installed. A small update: Changing the ropes length can now also be done using the up and down arrows. “Torment is far more than just a phenomenal role-playing game. It’s a challenge to restore the depth and nuance for which the genre was once known.” 9.0/10 – GameSpot.

Planescape: Torment was given several Editor's Choice awards, was named RPG of the Year for 1999 by both GameSpot and Computer Gaming World, and won the Vault Network's Game of the Year for 1999. PC Gamer US named Planescape: Torment 'Game of the Month' in their March 2000 issue (the issue in which the game's review appeared). Planescape: Torment Review It's clearly the best traditional computer role-playing game of the year and is bound to be an all-time favorite for many of its inevitable fans. Planescape: Torment for PC is powered by Baldur’s Gate’s engine and at first glance resembles it very much, but this impression is misleading. Technically, both productions utilize Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules, but the worlds in which the action takes place are completely different. In Baldur’s Gate, it is the universe of Forgotten Realms, very well-known to cRPG players, with its. Planescape: Torment is a role-playing video game developed by Black Isle Studios and published by Interplay Entertainment. Released for Microsoft Windows on December 12, 1999, the game takes place in locations from the multiverse of Planescape, a Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy campaign setting.

Reinstall invites you to join us in revisiting classics of PC gaming days gone by. This week, Richard Cobbett delves into the questions of human nature while beating up monsters in Planescape: Torment.

Most RPGs give you a quest. Torment gives you a question: “What can change the nature of a man?” It's not a riddle. It's not a puzzle. It's simply the first hint that you're about to embark on the smartest, most philosophical quest of your life.

Torment is the story of The Nameless One, a grey, scarred immortal who wakes up with amnesia on a mortuary slab in the middle of a filthy city built on filth, fear and backstabbing. With the help of a cheerful, slightly perverted skull called Morte, he soon discovers that he's an immortal trapped in an endless cycle of death and rebirth.

The Nameless One has lived good lives. He's lived terrible ones. His one constant is that wherever he goes, pain follows, along with a ruthless enemy willing to do anything to keep him from breaking his curse.

Given its cult status now, it's hard to remember that nobody had much hope for Torment when it first came out. It had the most boring trailer ever created. The launch announcement was a badly rendered girl wearing nothing but a few strips of strategic red leather, with The Nameless One described as simply “a corpse with irresistible sexual charisma.”

Ouch. Bad start..

Risking a purchase anyway, mostly because it was a Black Isle game (Fallout) using the Infinity Engine (Baldur's Gate), Torment quickly exploded to the point that even after replaying it several times, I barely know where to start telling you about it. Maybe with a story about Ravel, the wicked witch tired of cruelty? Fall-From-Grace, a puritan succubus who runs a brothel for sating the mind? The brutal humor? The sadness of Deionnara, the still obsessed ghost of a woman broken by The Nameless One in a past life? The endless layers of detail?

I could, but instead, let me share the moment Planescape really clicked for me. To be honest, up to this point, I wasn't enjoying it much. I was lost, frustrated, and had no idea what the hell I was meant to be doing. Then I met Mebbeth.

Mebbeth is a witch, willing to share what “little” she knows of the Art..but only if you agree to help her with some quick chores. The first is to get some seeds from the market. Unfortunately, the seed merchant doesn't have the ones you need, so you need to find another character who can will the original tree back into existence for you.

O-kay. Time for magic?

No. Not yet. Returning, Mebbeth remembers there was something else she needed from the market—her laundry. Unfortunately, the merchant who does her washing has had her sheets for years, and has washed and rewashed them so many times that they feel like cardboard. Luckily, Mebbeth doesn't mind. She just sends you back to the market, this time to retrieve ink.

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Tedious, time-wasting nonsense? In most games, it would be. But this is Planescape: Torment—the smartest RPG of all time. When you get back this time, Mebbeth asks what you learned. And it clicks. Your first errand was a direct demonstration of the power of belief in the Planescape universe. The second is a more in-character warning against ritual without purpose. The third, in context, is about seeing the world through another person's eyes.

What initially seemed like three FedEx quests are suddenly revealed as the mage equivalent of “Wax on, wax off.” Those things you collected? Mebbeth makes a frame from the seeds, uses the sheets as pages, and hands you your first spellbook.

Torment Pc Game

This is not an isolated moment of genius. This is Torment, and moments like these are in its bones and in its DNA. It's a game not simply confident in its own intelligence, but that respects yours to the point that it's happy to debate philosophy, to make you uncomfortable, and above all, to make you think.

What can change the nature of a man? As I said at the start, there's no wrong answer. Still, nothing sums up the breadth and wonder of Planescape than this, a short monologue given by The Nameless One to an angry specter:

“If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear—whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. I've seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag's heart half-circle. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me..”

There's no replacement for serious, smart storytelling —between Fallout in '97, Fallout 2 in '98, Planescape in '99, and Icewind Dale in '00, Black Isle produced some of the best RPGs of the

era. My only regret is that I can't get the kind of targeted amnesia that would let me experience this game all over again for the first time. Torment or not, I suspect it'd be worth it.

'Reading,' the Nigerian poet Ben Okri said once, 'is an act of civilization.' Torment: Tides of Numenera

Techland Torment: Tides Of Numenera - PlayStation 4
$11.98on Amazon embraces this idea, pairing a whole fantasy novel’s worth of quality quest text with a design foundation that champions chatting with enemies rather than running them through with swords. It's a strange concept in the context of most roleplaying games, and Torment: Tides of Numenera delivers a satisfyingly strange world to complement it. It's too bad that the combat falls short when it's actually necessary, but the surrounding world usually presents enough memorable wonders to make up for it.

Dokapon kingdom iso rom ps2. As a spiritual successor to 1999's Planescape: Torment, one of the finest (and strangest) RPGs ever made, Torment: Tides of Numenera embraces its predecessor's isometric design with its use of the capable Pillars of Eternity engine. More importantly, it preserves Planescape: Torment's weird philosophical tone and aesthetic, filling the screen with everything from quasi-medieval markets to entire cities crafted out of meat.

Sometimes, admittedly, it clings too much to fantasy trappings despite its setting of a billion years in the future, and its mages and ax-wielding warriors leave it feeling like a take on Baldur's Gate with aliens in the place of elves. Fortunately, it's an attractive vision. It takes place in an era when the strange trash of thousands of dead civilizations – the titular numenera – rots scattered about the Earth, its purpose often long forgotten. It's a world where headless men arouse about as much curiosity as a 3D printer today, where neon-green monoliths zap the unprepared, and where pods packed with demigods sometimes plummet from the sky. For all that, it's also a world where random goons with swords attempt to rough you up if they don't like your looks. I guess some things never change.

I admire that you're not actually a hero, but effectively garbage – literally.
Above all, though, it thrives on honoring Planescape's emphasis on a protagonist who's not on a quest to save the world. I admire that you're not actually a hero, but effectively garbage – literally. You’re the 'Last Castoff,' the empty shell of a being called The Changing God who creates new bodies for himself and then dumps them like used Coke bottles once he's ready to move on to another. Others exist like you, and each assumes his or her own consciousness after being tossed aside. Through it all, a horrific entity known as The Sorrow mysteriously hunts down every castoff, and your main goal is never much more serious than keeping it at bay.

Fortunately, you're not such a nobody that no one wants to hang out with you. Torment: Tides of Numenera features several companions who can tag along with The Last Castoff three at a time, and I sometimes found their stories as fascinating as my character’s. Take the wise Callistege, who walks around surrounded by flickering clones of herself glimpsed from alternate realities. Or consider Erritis, a warrior whose unstable personality channels Beauty and the Beast's Gaston. Strangely, a disproportionately large amount of his lines are voiced, while the bulk of the rest of Torment's dialogue remains disappointingly relegated to text.

When you play Torment: Tides of Numenera, you might as well be reading a book.

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On that note, don't expect a bunch of pretty cutscenes to relay all this. Know that when you sit down to play Torment: Tides of Numenera, you might as well be reading a book. Aside from a quick tutorial, whole hours went by before I had to draw my sword. The voice acting, while excellent, shows up about as often as rain in the Sahara (unless, of course, you're around Erritis). It's tough to pull off this kind of text-heavy design – even Pillars of Eternity sometimes slips into drudgery because of it – but the quality of the writing here manages to sustain the story for nearly the entirety of its roughly 35 hours. (Completing all the many side quests would push this number far higher.) Unfortunately, it suffers a bit from one of the main drawbacks affecting the similar recent RPG Tyranny – when the end comes, it comes quickly, along with a multitude of revelations that leave the uncomfortable impression that additional content was condensed into a few conversation.

It still delivers a fantastic story, though, the power of which largely rests on the wealth and variety of its dialogue choices. Virtually every conversation and interaction triggers a cascade of dialogue options with skill checks, usually with text that sometimes sprawls into a dozen richly styled sentences. Tides allows for three combat classes – the warrior-like Glaive, the versatile Jack, and the mage-like Nano – and the latter opens even more dialogue options through the ability to read minds. In fact, conversations offer such a dizzying array of options that it's sometimes difficult to figure out how to end them (especially because the UI doesn’t gray out options you’ve already read through).

The red tide doesn't necessarily mean you're evil.

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Fortunately, carefully choosing each one isn't just about being rewarded with another burst of well-crafted text: much the fun of Tides consists of discovering how each option affects the influence of the titular tides over you. Persist in asking multiple questions and you'll gain points in the blue tide, which favors inquisitiveness. Do a good deed and you'll gain favor with the gold tide, which champions self-sacrifice. It's tempting to brand these as simple D&D-style alignments, but the twist is that Tides is written in such a way that your self-sacrifice could come with an ulterior motive. The red tide doesn't necessarily mean you're evil, it merely means that you act on your first impulses. Mixed together, they decide how other people react to you, which sometimes even carries over into combat. It's a decent foundation for replay, as you could either talk your way through almost everything or try to stick a sword in everyone who looks at you funny.

Planescape Torment Pc Download

Torment tides of numenera metacritic

Torment: Tides Of Numenera

I usually found the combat comparatively dull.

Planescape Torment

I can't say I found the thought of the latter particularly appealing. Not because I'm opposed to hacking up a few digital bad dudes with digital swords – far from it – but because I usually found the combat comparatively dull. The problem lies in the number of enemies it tosses at you. Tides of Numenera delights in piling several enemies on the Last Castoff and his or her buds at once, and they hit hard, making it uncommonly tough to survive even with the use of ciphers or taking advantage of an option to kill the leader and cause their followers to go running. Most of the time, though, it's just kind of tedious. The problems revealed themselves in an early 'crisis' (Tides' fancy name for a battle), in which I had to sneak past a gaggle of humanoid insects while distracting them with musical objects. I only had one companion at the time, and there were maybe seven of the other guys. So every time I'd move, I'd have to wait for all of them to move as well, thus forcing the incident to go on far longer than it needed to. I didn't even try to fight them. That's probably a good thing. When I later finally had to jump into a real fight after a poorly chosen response, I realized I barely knew what to do with all the combat skills I'd amassed from leveling. Even when I was prepared, my little band of four would themselves surrounded with, say, seven cultists. More often than not, though, combat comes off as a distraction – so it’s a good thing you never really have to fight.At the same time, Tides’ battles include some interesting ideas. For instance, the influence of the tides carries over into combat, and sometimes on your turn you can use your influence to possibly persuade or intimidate a foe into ending a fight that's already started. Another strength is that each combat scenario feels carefully crafted rather than a random load of trash mobs thrown into a room, and there's a decent variety of combat skills depending on class – such as 'Warp Dash,' which lets Jacks teleport to enemies and slash everyone in sight – and one-use ciphers, which unleash devastating attacks (and sometimes explode in your face if you're carrying too many at once). The animations aren't that special, but one thing it does well is allow for smart positioning in combat on both PC and console.The battles disappoint overall, but that doesn't mean there's not some sense of strategy outside the squabbles peppered among the reams of dialogue boxes. One of Tides' better features in this regard is the 'effort' system, which lets each character in the party draw from a pool of stat points every in-game day to add a little boost to the effectiveness of an action. Need to figure out how some eon-old gadget works? Pump a few effort points into the task and you'll have a greater chance to override it even if your class would fail the skill check in another RPG. It also works in combat, allowing you to land strikes that might have missed. Their limited design, much like the rest of Tides of Numenera, has the nice side effect of encouraging thoughtful play. Early on, it's hard to shake off the temptation of use effort points to their full effect at every opportunity, but I found greater reward in learning how to wait until I truly needed them.